Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Administration and Higher Education

Number of Pages



The intent of this study was to provide an answer to the following question: "What are the necessary experiences, proficiencies, and skills that an instructional supervisor should have in order to become the teacher educator his position, as currently perceived by educational leaders in the areas of supervision, educational research, and teaching requires?"; On the basis of conclusions drawn through research in the professional literature, a detailed training model was developed to help prepare secondary administrators to be effective instructional supervisors. These conclusions included: (1) A meaningful inservice experience must include an opportunity for each building administrator to examine his own commitment to personal growth and development and his commitment to the professional growth and development of those with whom he works. (2) Inservice experiences should include opportunities for administrators to evaluate and improve their personal interpersonal skills in the areas of communications and human relations. (3) The administrator should have inservice opportunities which will allow him to develop a repertoire of instructional strategies and skills and which will enable him to become a resource for the classroom teacher. (4) The effective instructional supervisor must be able, on the basis of valid and reliable teacher effectiveness research, to help the teacher analyze and improve his planning, teaching, and evaluating processes. Inservice experiences should be provided in this area. (5) The inservice experiences must include giving administrators a chance to learn to use a supervisory model which is consistent with his district's philosophy and objectives. (6) The planners for the inservice training must do everything possible to insure that the "environment" will be an appropriate one in which change can take place.


Administrators Developing; Effective; Inservice; Instructional; Model; Preparing; Program; Secondary; Supervisors

Controlled Subject

School management and organization

File Format


File Size

19957.76 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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