Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Administration and Higher Education

Number of Pages



This study was designed to analyze the thinking styles of selected school administrators and to assess whether specific thinking styles were related to effectiveness. Subjects selected for the study were the 226 applicants to the Tennessee Administrator Career Ladder Program, of which 107 chose to participate; The Human Information Processing Survey (HIPS) was used to measure the degree of left, integrated, and right preferred thinking styles of the participants. Raw scores were converted to standard scores and analyzed according to the independent variables of gender, position, age, experience, education, type of school, and level of effectiveness. The measure of effectiveness was obtained through the Career Ladder Program results; Analysis of variance tests (ANOVA) were computed for each of the scores grouped according to the above referenced independent variables. An additional dependent variable measured was overall thinking style, a classification obtained through analyzing the grouping of the thinking style scores. Chi Square tests for independence of classification were calculated for overall thinking style categorized according to the independent variables; Results of all statistical treatments indicated no significant difference existed among any of the groups compared. Not only was there no difference in the thinking styles of administrators grouped according to the various demographic variables, there also appeared to be no relationship between thinking styles and leadership effectiveness. All null hypotheses of the study were accepted and all research hypotheses rejected.


Administrators; Brain; Dominance; Effectiveness; Hemisphericity; Leader; Left; Relationships; Right; School; Styles; Supervision; Thinking

Controlled Subject

Educational tests and measurements

File Format


File Size

3133.44 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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