Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Instructional and Curricular Studies

Number of Pages



In an exploratory study, I examined young children's text preferences in the classroom and how those preferences contributed to three literacy events: read-alouds, independent reading, and writing. Emergent literacy, interest theory, text structure, and teacher decision-making in literacy instruction provided a framework. Data about children's preferences were compiled and three case children were then studied over five months. Videotaped observations, audiotaped interviews, record booklets, artifacts of student work, and field notes were collected. The classroom teacher and librarian were interviewed and observed to determine how their literacy decisions influenced the study. Findings indicated that the children had mainly fiction interests about animals, fairy tales, and fantasy. Of the three case children, one boy preferred nonfiction, one fiction, and one fiction and nonfiction. While all three children preferred animals, the boy preferred science and the two girls preferred fairy tales. Their preferences contributed to the literacy events through discussion and participation in classroom activities. Both teachers read aloud mostly fiction. The teachers' instructional themes, strategy decisions, time, and choices both promoted and limited the children's use of their preferences in the literacy events. Attention to these findings can promote classroom practices designed to facilitate young children's text interests in literacy development. Future research can inform us about the role of individual and situational interest in literacy development.


Children; Classroom; Contribute; Event; Events Literacy; Preferences Text

Controlled Subject

Early childhood education; Individualized reading instruction; Education, Elementary

File Format


File Size

9205.76 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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