"A case study of the Information Environment for School Leadership Prep" by R. Karlene McCormick-Lee

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Administration and Higher Education

First Committee Member

Patti Bruza-Chance

Number of Pages



The Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (1996) noted that the social fabric of schools is changing. School administrators are faced with new challenges, provided new opportunities to implement reform, and required to learn new technology skills (Means, Olsen, & Singh, 1995; Streifer, 1999). Potentially universities play an invaluable role in preparing educators to use technology effectively. However, studies suggest that universities are far from realizing that potential (O'Flahavan, 1988; Lemke, 1999; Roblyer & Erlanger, 1999). A nation-wide survey found that the integration of instructional technology across disciplines and the use of technology to solve real-world problems were the most important aspects in preparation programs (McKenzie, 1993; Means, Olsen, & Singh, 1995). Most preparation programs offered discrete technology courses emphasizing literacy (Haymore Sandholtz, Ringstaff, & Dwyer, 1997; Stevens & Lonberger, 1998); Although, models for effective preparation programs exist (Witter-Churchill & Erlandson, 1994) the issue of technology assimilation into school administration has not been thoroughly reviewed (Barta, Telem, & Gev, 1995; Crane & Spoon, 1998). Innovations that incorporate the integrated use of technology within an instructional program deserve the attention of both practitioners and researchers (Daresh & Playko, 1992; Clark, 1994; Riedl, Smith, Ware, Wark, & Yount, 1998). A need exists to study and disseminate innovative programs to determine whether or not the results of these approaches justify the changes made (Gagne, 1990; Witters-Churchill, & Erlandson, 1990); Utilizing semi-structured interviews and document analysis, a case study was conducted in order to examine the issues, incentives, and challenges surrounding the Information Environment For School Leadership Preparation (IESLP) project (Fetterman, 1984; Simon, 1986). A study of the development and implementation of the technology-based information environment for administrator preparation program indicated that despite participants' common conceptual framework barriers existed that hindered the implementation process. Inhibitors to implementing the innovative program were scarce resources, training issues, existing disconnect between educators and software developers, rapid pace of technology, and a lack of consistent direction. These findings have implications for leaders overseeing the use of technology in administrator preparation programs as well as the implementation of innovative technology applications.


Administrator Preparation; Case; Environment; Information; Information Environment For School Leadership Preparation; Leadership; Preparation; Problem-based Learning; Project; Schools; Study; University Council Of Educational Administration

Controlled Subject

School management and organization; Educational technology

File Format


File Size

4782.08 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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