Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Number of Pages



This paper presents a method for realizing power loss and reactive power flow reductions on an electrical power transmission system. The method determines the size and location of reactive power compensating capacitors. In the first phase, candidate busses (nodes) are identified by determining which substations are physically able to accommodate new capacitor and associated switching apparatus. Phase two employs an iterative search technique, the Western System Coordinating Council (WSCC) power flow program and heuristic inputs to choose the single buss most sensitive to real power loss reduction. Reactive power loss reduction and reactive power intertie flow are secondary factors also used to determine capacitor locations. Once the bus is chosen, the system is modeled with a 24 MVAR capacitor, the utilities' minimum desired size, in service on the chosen bus. The iterative search and capacitor placement steps are subsequently repeated until either reactive power flow on the interties are reduced to zero or system voltages exceed minimum or maximum standards. In the event voltage standards are violated, intertie transformer tap settings are adjusted and the iterative search continues. This method is applied to a 3,577 circuit-mile transmission system and a 10,000 circuit-mile feeder system operating at 69KV, 138KV, and 230KV with peak load of 3,590.91MW and 364.15 MVAR. Placement of capacitors as suggested in this study would result in real power loss reduction of 3.82 MW and intertie reactive power flow reduction of 430 MVAR at peak load conditions.


Compensation; Optimal; System; Transmission; Utility

Controlled Subject

Electrical engineering; Force and energy

File Format


File Size

1177.6 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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