Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Hotel Administration

Number of Pages



The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects a change in the food delivery system at Nellis Air Force Base's military dining facilities had on customer satisfaction. 952 customer comment forms from Nellis Air Force Base's military dining facilities were collected and analyzed. First, ratings for the food variety, food taste, and food temperature categories were collected and coded. This data was then statistically analyzed using frequency analysis, descriptive analysis, cross tabulation, and a chi-square test to determine if ratings in these areas had changed due to the change in food delivery system; Next, written remarks from all 952 comment forms were collected to test whether a change in the number of written remarks had occurred due to the change in food delivery system. Content analysis on this information was done using a hybrid between the contextual and a priori approaches to content analysis. Results of the statistical analysis showed that "Excellent" ratings on all variables increased by at least 10 percent after the change in food delivery system. Results of the content analysis showed that the number of negative written comments made concerning food availability and overall food service decreased by at least 10 percent after the change in food delivery system.


Air Base; Customer; Dining; Effects; Facilities; Force; Military; Military dining; Nellis; Nevada; Prime; Satisfaction; Vendor

Controlled Subject

Industrial management; Marketing

File Format


File Size

2426.88 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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