Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



Number of Pages



This research partially answered some of the questions regarding the movement of soil away from the Three Kids Mine. Flooding appears to be the strongest potential explanations for transport. Soil samples were treated by three methods: total digestion with HF, leaching with 1% HNO{dollar}\sb3,{dollar} and leaching with acidified water. The samples were then analyzed with an ICP or AA spectrophotometer for the presence of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, or zinc; Data shows that there is up to 40% manganese at some sites, and that 14% to 35% of the elements studied will dissolve in 1% HNO{dollar}\sb3,{dollar} except iron (2%). Because the area's rainwater has a pH between 5 and 7, it can be surmised that only a very small percentage of the soil would be transported in the dissolved phase after a rainstorm. However, the elements may be carried to another location in association with colloidal or particulate matter during flash flooding as evidenced by many rills, the decreasing concentrations of the elements in the soil away from the mine in the surrounding washes, and laboratory experiments that suggest there is a rapid drop in turbidity of any solution. Two sites where surface and subsurface samples were taken, suggest that some force is physically moving the mine tailings. By the analysis of dust on creosote bushes, it is believed that wind also plays a role in the movement of soil.


Area; Kids; Manganese; Mine; Nevada; Preliminary; Study; Surrounding; Three; Transport

Controlled Subject

Chemistry, Inorganic; Geology

File Format


File Size

2703.36 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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