Award Date
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Mechanical Engineering
Number of Pages
A finite element model for the seventy five ton multi-barrier multi-purpose canister (MPC) Overpack is developed. This model is subjected to an impact loading that produces plastic stresses. The finite element software COSMOS/M 1.7 is used to study the nonlinear behavior of the canister overpack. A new mechanism for energy absorption is adopted to determine the permanent indentation. The results of the analysis for nodal displacements and stresses, along with the energy of impact, are used to evaluate the permanent indentation. COSMOS/M analysis yielded acceptable values for the permanent indentation for the impact of plane cylinders within a reasonable range of velocities. For the MPC Overpack, the FEM method produced values that appear reasonable, but there is no valid compariSon FEM method can be used as a guidance within limitation to ascertain the reuse of the MPC Overpack.
Analysis; Due; Element; Finite; Impact; Indentation; Low; Permanent; Solids; Velocity
Controlled Subject
Mechanical engineering
File Format
File Size
2713.6 KB
Degree Grantor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
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Repository Citation
Abayaweera, Sarath, "Finite element analysis of permanent indentation of solids due to low velocity impact" (1994). UNLV Retrospective Theses & Dissertations. 434.
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