Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Communication Studies

First Committee Member

Paul J. Traudt

Number of Pages



This study examined the current audience for cable access television in one of the fastest growing markets in the western United States. Based on the limited number of studies revealing inconclusive audience attributes, unclear trends and viewing behaviors, this study is an exploratory venture. It continued the examination conducted by preceding research literature regarding cable access and tried to uncover the relevance of variables affecting cable access audiences. A telephone survey was administered to 500 respondents and assessed awareness and viewership of the local cable access channel; viewer sources of information leading to access viewership satisfaction with local cable access; and demographics. The study incorporated variables assessing the degree of local community involvement and made linkage to Diffusion of Innovation Theory (Rogers, 1995) and how it applied to the study based on the theory's four critical elements including innovation, communication, the social system and cable access' impact over time.


Access; Cable; Clark County; Community; Las Vegas; Nevada; Study; Television; Vegas; Viewers

Controlled Subject

Mass media; Information science; Journalism

File Format


File Size

1515.52 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas


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