Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Committee Member

Jeffrey Koep

Number of Pages



"The Way I Feel About Myself" is an alternative name for the Piers-Harris Self-Concept Scale: the way "I" feel about myself also dictates today's students' perspectives. The purpose of the present study was to determine if a positive relationship could be shown to exist between the teaching methodology Video-Theatre and the self-esteem of students. The students in this study were fourth graders at a rural Southeastern elementary school. Forty-five students were studied. A class of 24 students served as the control group. The experimental group, a class of 21 students, participated in Video-Theatre. The students were a well-blended mix of academic abilities and backgrounds; The Piers-Harris Scale was administered prior to, and immediately following, the class projects, which took place over a six week period. There were no significant differences between the self-esteem scores of the two groups. There was, however, a slightly greater increase in the self-esteem score of the experimental group than that of the control group. Because of the limited depth and scope of this study, no correlations can be made for a significant change in self-esteem when exposed to Video-Theatre. A longer project time may produce a significant positive relationship between self-esteem and Video-Theatre.


Esteem; Self; Theatre; Video

Controlled Subject

Theater; Educational psychology; Personality

File Format


File Size

1126.4 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas


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