Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Hotel Administration

First Committee Member

Gerald E. Goll

Number of Pages



The purpose of this exploratory study was to determine the differences, if any, between leadership practices used by hotel managers and the perceptions of those leadership practices by employees relative to their job satisfaction. Differences in perception of leadership practices were measured using two identical instruments--one for managers, and the other for their employees. Employees' overall job satisfaction was measured using an additional instrument. Data were collected from 26 managers and 294 employees at five participating non-gaming hotel properties in Las Vegas, Nevada. Five research questions along with two hypotheses were tested. The finding of this study indicated that employees' job satisfaction is more closely related to their perceptions of leadership practices used by their manager. The basis of this study was supported through an extensive literature review, followed by a statistical analysis to suggest conclusion and recommendation for future research.


Employees; Hotel; Impact; Industry; Job; Leadership; Managers; Practices; Satisfaction

Controlled Subject

Management; Psychology, Industrial

File Format


File Size

5058.56 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas


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