"Technology integration in a Title I elementary school: An exploratory " by Barbara Louise Radecki

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Learning and Technology


Educational Psychology

First Committee Member

LeAnn Putney, Chair

Second Committee Member

Lisa Bendixen

Third Committee Member

Neal Strudler

Graduate Faculty Representative

Martha Young

Number of Pages



The purpose of this study was to determine how technology was integrated into the curriculum of a Title I high achieving elementary school in a large school district in the Southwestern United States. Three research questions guided the study: How did teachers integrate technology and curriculum in a Title I, high achieving elementary school? How did that integration translate into the classrooms of this Title I, high achieving school? What existed in the school environment that promoted the integration of technology into the curriculum?

Six volunteer teachers from grades kindergarten through fourth filled out two screening instruments, were interviewed twice, and were observed two or three times. Also interviewed were the technology coordinator, librarian, principal, and assistant principal. During the observations, teachers' technology use was assessed using a three-tier level which determined whether they were using technology strictly for their own use or classroom presentations, level one; their students were using technology for skill building or free time activities, constituting level two; or their students were using technology to develop critical thinking skills, the goal of level three. The teachers' lesson plans were reviewed to determine their objectives when using technology. Students had access to technology in their classrooms, the library, and the newly opened computer lab.

During data analysis, three themes were identified: definition of technology integration, levels of technology use, and beliefs versus actions. Although the definitions of technology integration differed, two underlying concepts were present in all teachers' beliefs: the students needed to learn to use technology now to be successful in their futures, and technology use needed to be purposeful, and not used for fluff.

The six teachers observed used technology effectively at levels one or two; however, only two teachers were observed using level three. The level system did provide a method for determining technology use in schools. Another important finding was the evaluation of how technology was being used at each level which led to the creation of the degrees of responsiveness, the degrees of implementation, and the degrees of adherence indicators. Teacher self-efficacy was an important component contributing to the teachers' technology use.


Computer-assisted instruction; Educational psychology; Educational technology; Teachers--Training of


Curriculum and Instruction | Education | Educational Psychology | Elementary Education and Teaching

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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