"RCT Hospitality Consultants, LLC: The Making of the Business Plan" by Rachel C. Tyler

Award Date

Fall 2011

Degree Type

Professional Paper

Degree Name

Master of Hospitality Administration


Hotel Administration

First Committee Member

Clark Kincaid, Chair

Number of Pages




Owning a small business is the dream for many Americans. Now more than ever this is true as many people have been laid off and are looking to utilize their skills while being their own boss. The focus of this paper is to determine if the author should start a consulting company full-time.

A hospitality consulting business with a focus on sales and marketing has been a goal of this author’s and as we emerge out of a recession. As possibility of a double-dip recession exists it is important to have a business framework that leads a small business owner to success. This paper will provide a guide for this author’s company (RCT Hospitality Consultants LLC) to grow. The business plan will emphasize a traditional business model and determine the profitability of adding a non-traditional revenue source. It will include a sales and marketing plan to attract new clients as well as include a pricing module that will help determine the most profitable and desired business clients whether they are consultants and/or companies.


Consulting firms; Entrepreneurship; Hospitality industry; Hospitality industry—Planning


Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations | Hospitality Administration and Management

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




Incomplete paper data


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