"Maintaining the Profitability of Gaming’s Premium Players" by Maxwell J.H. Olson

Award Date

Summer 2012

Degree Type

Professional Paper

Degree Name

Master of Science in Hotel Administration


Hotel Administration

First Committee Member

Bo Bernhard, Chair

Number of Pages



Purpose: This paper does not seek to condemn the use of incentives for high-end casino players. Rather, it is intended to illuminate common policies and practices that might require more measurement and consideration prior to being distributed. This paper also explores and examines existing literature and findings regarding the profitability of high-end casino players and offers guidelines for evaluating profitability.

Statement of Objective: This paper targets existing policies and practices in the contemporary Las Vegas casino gaming business, separately examining the profitability of each incentive program or common practice. As a consolidated examination of such practices, this paper can serve as a reference for any casino executive interested in examining the profitability of his/her property’s incentives.

Justification: In most destination markets, multiple casino properties compete for the same high-end casino players. At a time when profits are scarce, it is especially important to examine the viability and profitability of the incentives and promotions used to attract and retain premium action. The implications of this study are important to the gaming community because they expose and differentiate practices that have potentially negative consequences.


Customer loyalty; Customer relations — Management; Casinos; Gamblers; Gambling industry; Nevada – Las Vegas


Gaming and Casino Operations Management | Hospitality Administration and Management | Marketing | Tourism and Travel

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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