"Team Policing Revisited: A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation in Las Vegas," by Natalie Nicole Martinez

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Criminal Justice

First Committee Member

William H. Sousa

Second Committee Member

Tamara D. Madensen

Third Committee Member

Hong Lu

Fourth Committee Member

Anna Lukemeyer

Number of Pages



In 1967, the President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice recommended team policing, which involves the decentralization of patrol officers and investigators to the same, defined geographical area, as a way to more effectively organize police officers and improve crime control. Despite initial enthusiasm from police officers and administrators, team policing quickly faded from use during the 1970s because its design was incompatible with the centralized model of policing prevalent at that time. However, the implementation of community-oriented policing, which promotes various organizational changes and the use of problem-focused strategies, has changed police departments in recent years and in many ways that complement the use of team policing, thus allowing it a better chance to succeed. In March 2012, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department implemented its own version of team policing, which incorporates community-oriented, problem-oriented, and hot spots policing strategies in an effort to reduce crime and disorder in a local neighborhood. This study evaluates the impact of team policing in that neighborhood, discusses the limitations of the research design and data, and provides suggestions for future research on team policing.


Community policing; Decentralization in management; Nevada – Las Vegas; Organization of police; Police administration; Police decentralization; Team policing


Criminology | Criminology and Criminal Justice | Law Enforcement and Corrections

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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