"The effectiveness of various green print advertising strategies for bu" by Safak Sahin

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Hotel Administration

First Committee Member

Seyhmus Baloglu

Second Committee Member

Tony Henthorne

Third Committee Member

Karl Mayer

Fourth Committee Member

Anjala Krishen

Number of Pages



This study aims to broaden knowledge about the effectiveness of the green (environmentally responsible) print advertising in the context of hotel industry. The development of green advertising and relevant studies in general marketing literature is discussed. After the gap of research in hospitality field is highlighted, the current study is introduced. Five by two between subjects experimental design is developed to understand if green advertisements perform better than non-green ones, and whether hotel segment (budget versus luxury) influences the effectiveness. Another goal of the study is to identify the best strategy or medium (text, logos, visual images, or a combination of all) to communicate green messages. Five levels used to manipulate the green status and greening strategy of each advertisement are non-green, green with textual cues, green with certification logos, green with visual cues, and green with combination of text-logos-visual images altogether. Two levels used to manipulate the segment of the hotel are budget versus luxury. The study reveals whether green advertising is more effective in hotel advertising, whether the effectiveness vary by hotel segments. Various strategies of greening an advertisement (using text, logos, visual image or a combination of all) is also tested to understand their comparative effectiveness.


Environmentally responsible advertising; Green advertising; Green marketing; Hotel advertising; Hotels – Marketing; LEED certification; Textual cues; Visual cues


Hospitality Administration and Management | Marketing

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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