"Understanding the Experience of Medicare Advantage Patients in a Healt" by Curtis E. Boldman

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Health Administration (MHA)


Hotel Administration

First Committee Member

Stowe Shoemaker

Second Committee Member

Bo Bernhard

Third Committee Member

Olena Mazurenko

Fourth Committee Member

Rhonda Montgomery

Fifth Committee Member

Kathryn Korgan

Number of Pages



This study was conducted using a single Health Maintenance Organization in Las Vegas, NV to determine the key drivers and attributes of quality in the patient experience for Medicare Advantage holders. The purpose of this study was to investigate these perceptions of quality to assist the provider in identifying the areas in their treatment process which could be refined in order to better serve their customer base. With the recent changes in healthcare laws, patient satisfaction is now a key determinant in the financial compensation providers receive for services performed.

Data was collected by doing patient intercepts outside of the selected provider utilizing a questionnaire based on the 5Q model of service quality. A total of 84 usable surveys were collected and the data shows that ultimately there is positive impact between the quality of each point of contact with a patient, and the patient’s overall satisfaction with their experience at the provider.

The data demonstrates that there is a connection between the quality of the treatment process, the equipment and facilities, the exchange of information and the interaction between patients and the provider’s staff. With this information the provider can now make changes to their process to improve the patient’s experience at their clinics. The study also solidifies the idea the customer service theory can be an effective way on analyzing the healthcare industry.


Health maintenance organizations; Medical care – Customer services; Medicare; Patient satisfaction


Health and Medical Administration

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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