Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Environmental and Occupational Health

First Committee Member

Sheniz Moonie

Second Committee Member

Michelle Chino

Third Committee Member

Shawn Gerstenberger

Fourth Committee Member

John Mercer

Number of Pages



Adults 65 years of age and older (hereby referred to as “elderly”) are one of the fastest growing populations in the United States (U.S.). A major public health concern affecting the elderly population is unintentional injuries, particularly slips, trips, and falls (STFs). While there is extensive research on STFs among the elderly living in the community and long-term health care facilities, little to no research is found on STFs among the elderly living in community-based health care facilities. Research has also shown that STFs are caused by the interaction between multiple risk factors. Therefore, the purpose of this quasi-experimental study is to determine the STF risk among elderly men and women living in community-based health care facilities known as Hawaii Adult Foster Care Homes (AFCHs). A total of 105 elderly (50 men, 55 women) were evaluated for STF risk factors (cognitive function, number of medications, home safety hazards, caregiver’s knowledge of STFs, physical activity, assessment of the caregiver, and overall STF risk). Chi-square test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, simple regression, and multiple regression models were used to determine STF risk among elderly men and women. Cognitive function (p=0.048 (men), p=0.048 (women)), number of medication (p=0.015 (both)), home safety hazards (lack of sturdy handrails) (p=0.016 (both)), caregiver’s knowledge of STFs (p=0.040 (men)), physical activity (p=0.030 (men)), assessment of the caregiver (p=0.001 (men), p=0.020 (men), p=0.001 (women)), and overall STF risk (p=0.026 (men), p=0.012 (women)) were statistically significant. Overall, STF hazard reduction strategies should be continued and/or implemented to ensure quality of care is being provided to elderly men and women living in the Hawaii AFCH system.


Congregate housing; Falls (Accidents) in old age; Hawaii Adult Foster Care Home; Older people


Geriatrics | Public Health

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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