"Of Wolves & Thieves: A Love Story" by Kayla Miller

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Committee Member

Maile Chapman

Second Committee Member

Douglas Unger

Third Committee Member

Megan Becker

Fourth Committee Member

Lynn Comella

Number of Pages



During my three years in the University of Nevada, Las Vegas’ Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program, I have written and published eleven short stories. These stories reflect my growth as a writer and, more specifically, the tremendous development I have seen in my work as a result of the program. These stories include many pieces that began as assignments for one or another required class.

In this time, my focus as a writer has become attuned to the Gothic, the grotesque, and the abject. Furthermore, I am perpetually interrogating my positionality as a white, queer woman in the academy and in our Western culture; I aim for these stories to bolster that interrogation and engage with dialogues of Otherness, intersectional identities, systematic oppression and capitalism’s relationship to these realities. The collection includes stories ranging in content from a silent boy’s presumed ownership of the Other to an investigation of Derrida’s conceptualized “animal” via a domesticated chimpanzee. The collection seeks to implicate reader in the construction of dualities that necessitate hierarchal dichotomies; it does so by cozying up to ugly folks doing ugly things but hoping you love them anyways.


fiction; stories


Creative Writing | English Language and Literature

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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