Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Educational & Clinical Studies

First Committee Member

Joseph Morgan

Second Committee Member

Kyle Higgins

Third Committee Member

Cori More

Fourth Committee Member

Scott Loe

Number of Pages



Addressing the needs of preschoolers with behavioral problems is important, as these issues often have long-term impacts on the outcomes of students (Fox et al., 2002). Self- monitoring strategies and techniques have the potential to improve the outcomes of this population of children. Self-monitoring requires students to pay attention to a specific aspect of their behavior and record whether the behavior being monitored has occurred or not occurred (Amato-Zech et at., 2006). Although preschoolers are capable of self-monitoring (Otero & Haut, YEAR), it is not widely used in early childhood education settings for increasing compliance or appropriate behaviors. A component of self-monitoring is self-recording, defined as the ability to monitor and accurately record one’s behavior.

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of self-monitoring on appropriate, teacher preferred behavior in preschool-age children who are at risk for developing more serious problems. The participants were not currently experiencing behavioral challenges at a clinical level or at a rate that the participant would be eligible for a diagnosis pertaining to their behavior.

Results of this study suggest that preschools (ages 4 and 5) can successfully self-monitor their behavior in multiple settings. However, the findings indicated that self-monitoring did not have a significant impact on increasing appropriate teacher preferred displays of behavior. The participants and teachers indicated favorable results and positive attitudes toward use of the intervention and likelihood that they would use the intervention again on the social validity questionnaire. Although the intervention did not appear to have a significant impact on increasing teacher preferred behaviors, additional research should be conducted on behaviors that are frequently displayed and of sufficient concern.


early childhood; early intervention; preschool; prosocial behavior; self-monitoring


Special Education and Teaching

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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