"Affinity Points in Variable Frequency Drive – Motor Systems" by Christophe Hicks

Award Date

May 2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Committee Member

Yahia Baghzouz

Second Committee Member

Ebrahim Saberinia

Third Committee Member

Sahjendra Singh

Fourth Committee Member

Evangelos Yfantis

Fifth Committee Member

Kathryn Hausbeck Korgan

Number of Pages



This thesis work will quantify power flow characteristics of variable frequency drive (VFD) systems at utilization voltages (208V3 phase) under normal and abnormal operating conditions. Abnormal operating conditions are defined in this thesis work as over or under

voltages at or exceeding 10% of the nominal rated voltage for 1sec to 10sec durations. Motivation and direction towards efficient power use has produced new devices which can be implemented at utilization voltage levels. Those devices are designed to modernize use

through efficient energy consumption. Existing system planning methodologies incorporate larger VFD motor system (>4160V) dynamics and lump lower voltage levels through constant impendence or current models. Empirical evidence is needed to correlate

electrical VFD motor power flow at utilization levels and provide input to higher level system planning. VFDs create additional system disturbances, harmonics, and solutions require the installed system to be analytically parameterized to identify components to build or purchase. It is conjectured, the introduced (VFD) harmonics can be mitigated through electrically coupled compensators, and an analytical solution exists which can compensate for the introduced stresses on the electrical system and that solution can be further extrapolated to a general motor VFD installation topology.


drives; frequency; motors; variable


Electrical and Computer Engineering

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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