"Development of an Evidence-Based Nursing Leadership Fellowship Program" by Jennie Noren

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing (ND)



First Committee Member

Carolyn Sabo

Second Committee Member

Susan Van Beuge

Third Committee Member

Jay Shen

Number of Pages



Faced with an increasing demand for nurse leaders with competencies in effective inter-professional communication, change management, conflict resolution, business and financial acumen, and the ability to lead both within and across systems, the current practice of promoting the highest skilled clinicians into leadership positions is not effective. Leadership skills which have been demonstrated in the literature to generate successful and impactful leaders must be provided through immersive educational experiences in an efficient and effective manner to produce leaders who can promote the transformation of healthcare at all levels with confidence. This DNP Project has created a guide for an evidence-based fellowship program designed to specifically address key barriers to entry to leadership roles by nurses, and to provide basic competencies for emerging and new leaders identified in the literature as critical for success through interactive learning experiences. The guide will be introduced to nurse educators and leaders through presentations and publications to publicize the availability of such a program, and the customizability of the content to each organization. In addition, during this first phase of dissemination, a pre-packaged program will be developed that can be delivered to customers “as-is”. Furthermore, the guide will be presented in academic settings as an academic program which can be offered in many formats to graduate students with a need for more focused leadership training. The program resulting from this guide is designed to engage participants in interactive learning experiences over a course of six guided sessions in which the learner will actively participate in learning topics identified in the literature as being vital to leadership success.


Experiential Learning; Leadership Competencies; Nursing Leadership



File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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