Award Date

August 2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Committee Member

Bradley Donohue

Second Committee Member

Kimberly Barchard

Third Committee Member

Stephen Benning

Fourth Committee Member

Liam Frink

Number of Pages



The Sport Interference Checklist (SIC) is a psychometrically validated instrument designed to assess how often cognitive and behavioral factors interfere with athletes performance during training and/or competition as well as the extent to which athletes are interested in pursuing sport psychology to address these problems. The success of this scale inspired an interest in developing new items that assess the influence of specific mental health concerns on sport performance using the SIC format. The Sport Interference Checklist’s Sport Specific Screen for Mental Health (SIC-SSSMH) was empirically developed using 259 athletes to assist in the identification of mental health problems explicitly reported to influence sport performance in both training (SIC-SSSMH-T) and competitive settings (SIC-SSSMH-C). An additional scale was developed to determine athletes’ desire to pursue services from a sport psychologist for endorsed sport-specific mental health factors (SIC-SSSMH-DSP).

Factor analyses of SIC-SSSMH-T and SIC-SSSMH-C items reveal one factor for each scale, accounting for 38% of the total variance on the Training scale and 36% of the total variance on the Competition scale. SIC-SSSMH-DSP items also yielded one factor accounting for 54% of total variance. Factor scores for each of these scales exhibit acceptable internal consistency. In addition, these scales demonstrate high convergent validity when compared to the Symptom Checklist 90-Revised (SCL-90-R), a well-established screen for general mental health factors. Recommendations for future screening sport-specific mental health factors are discussed in light of the results.


mental health; psychology; referral; screening; services; student athlete


Clinical Psychology | Mental and Social Health | Psychology

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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