Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Educational Psychology & Higher Education

First Committee Member

Alice Corkill

Second Committee Member

CarolAnne Kardash

Third Committee Member

Lisa Bendixen

Fourth Committee Member

David Copeland

Number of Pages



Teacher-conducted assessments are necessary to gather important information to facilitate student learning and academic success. Unfortunately, there is an inconsistency in teacher knowledge of assessment and assessment practices. While previous research identified a gap in teacher competence and teacher perceptions of their competence, and this affects classroom assessment practices that then impact student learning, the research is limited, outdated, and not grounded in any theoretical framework. This study addresses gaps in literature and establishes self-efficacy as a theoretical framework in which classroom assessment can be studied. Data were collected in India, and a path analysis and a Kruskal Wallis non-parametric analysis were conducted to examine the relationships between teacher competence, perceptions of their assessment skills, self-efficacy and classroom assessment practices, as well as the effects that they have on each other. Self-efficacy was not as prominent in explaining the relationships between classroom assessment practices, teacher assessment competence, teacher perceptions of assessment skills and teacher background as had been hypothesized, reinforcing the domain specific nature of self-efficacy. Nonetheless, competence, self-efficacy, perception of assessment skills, and classroom assessment practices were found to differ based on years of experience and content area taught.


Education | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Educational Psychology

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1.7 MB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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