Award Date
Spring 5-14-2021
Degree Type
Doctoral Project
Degree Name
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
Physical Therapy
Advisor 1
Szu-Ping Lee, PT, Ph.D
First Committee Member
Daniel Young, Ph.D
Second Committee Member
Merrill Landers, Ph.D
Number of Pages
Purpose: Making a prosthesis for an individual with limb loss is a highly personalized process. A currently unexplored area is whether there are tangible benefits in greater patient engagement during the making of their prostheses. We examined the current practice of engaging patients in prosthetic cosmetic designing and identified factors associated with patient outcomes. Methods: This cross-sectional study surveyed 104 prosthetists and 25 prostheses users. The questionnaires covered aspects of prosthetic prescription, users’ perceived level of engagement, and self-reported outcomes. Regression analyses were used to examine the associations between perceived level of engagement, satisfaction, and other outcomes. Results: Among prosthesis users, 75% reported being offered at least one cosmetic option during the making of their prostheses which corresponded with 82.7% of the prosthetists reporting that they typically engage patients in their practices. Patients who were offered at least one cosmetic design option reported significantly greater satisfaction than those that were not offered the option (p=0.027). Patients’ level of satisfaction was significantly correlated with a perception that their prostheses empower them in daily activities (r=0.415, p=0.028). Conclusion: Engaging patients in the cosmetic designing of their prosthesis is a widely accepted practice. Prosthetic practitioners should consider the potential benefits of higher levels engagement for all patients. Clinical Relevance: Limb loss is a complex health condition that impacts patient’s physical and psychological functioning and wellbeing. Engaging patients in the prosthetic design process is a ubiquitous practice, however some prosthetists may offer higher levels of cosmetic options only to certain populations. Higher levels of engagement in the prostheses-making process support patients’ senses of autonomy and empowerment and is related to greater prosthetic compliance.
Lower limb amputation; Prosthesis; Cosmesis; Autonomy support; Survey study; Empowerment
Physical Therapy
File Format
File Size
441 KB
Degree Grantor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Repository Citation
Repayo, Kenneth; Mitchell, Cailin; Tillitt, Matthew; and Weber, Collin, "Patient Engagement in Cosmetic Designing of Prostheses: Current Practice and Potential Outcome Benefits" (2021). UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones. 4104.