Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Criminal Justice

First Committee Member

Gillian Pinchevsky

Second Committee Member

Joel Lieberman

Third Committee Member

Emily Troshynski

Fourth Committee Member

Patricia Cook-Craig

Number of Pages



The prevalence of college students’ experiences with sexual violence has been well documented (e.g., Cantor et al., 2015; Fisher, Cullen & Turner, 2000; Krebs et al., 2007), along with the negative consequences associated with sexual victimization (e.g., Campbell, Dworkin & Cabral, 2009). Court cases, student disclosures, and media coverage have brought more attention to university responses to sexual misconduct and have attempted to hold universities accountable. The purpose of this study is to examine predictors of student perceptions of university responses to sexual misconduct, therefore adding to the existing literature. It is among one of the first to examine predictors of perceptions across a full sample of students and survivors of different forms of sexual violence. The Multi-College Bystander Efficacy Evaluation (mcBEE) survey was used to analyze perceptions of students who were enrolled at nine U.S. institutions of higher education to determine what predicts perceptions of university responses to sexual misconduct for students in general, survivors of non-contact sexual violence, and survivors of contact sexual violence. This approach allows for further insight into the ongoing, serious problem of campus sexual violence and ways in which universities can begin to address factors that lead to ill perceptions in hopes of bettering the students’ well-being.


Sexual misconduct; Student perceptions; University responses


Criminology | Criminology and Criminal Justice | Social Work

File Format


File Size

980 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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