"The Influence of Technostress on Hotel Guests" by Samuel Lee

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


William F. Harrah College of Hospitality

First Committee Member

Mehmet Erdem

Second Committee Member

Billy Bai

Third Committee Member

Chih-Chien Chen

Fourth Committee Member

LeAnn Putney

Fifth Committee Member

Makbule Eda Anlamlier

Number of Pages



The implementation of technology in the hospitality sector is rapidly growing. Although there are practical, economic, and experiential benefits of hospitality technology, the increased adoption of guest service technologies such as digital room keys, check-in kiosks, and service robots can also introduce friction points in a guest’s hotel experience. Technostress is any form of stress induced by the usage of technology and this study is among the first to apply this concept to consumer behavior. Based on the transactional model of stress and coping and social cognitive theory, this dissertation examined the effects of technostress on hotel guests, using a mixed-method approach comprised of three sequential phases. A qualitative examination of guest experiences with hotel technology indicated Wi-Fi, hotel smartphone apps, and smart TVs to be the most prominent stress-inducing technologies with particular themes pertaining to each technology. These technologies were also associated with the technostress factors: techno-overload, techno-invasion, techno-complexity, and techno-uncertainty. Quantitative data showed significant relationships between technology self-efficacy, one’s locus of control, and technostress; additionally, technostress was shown to significantly impact guest satisfaction. The findings of this dissertation extend technostress beyond workplace applications and drive recommendations for hotels to better address the technostress that negatively impacts guest satisfaction.


consumer behavior; hotel; satisfaction; stress; technology; technostress


Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms | Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Library and Information Science

File Format


File Size

11500 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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