Award Date

December 2022

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education

First Committee Member

Joshua Baker

Second Committee Member

Joseph Morgan

Third Committee Member

Kyle Higgins

Fourth Committee Member

Chyllis Scott

Number of Pages



Self-management as a behavioral intervention has been used with students who have autism spectrum disorder for a variety of behavioral targets, including communication. Research has been conducted on self-management of communication initiations for students who have autism spectrum disorder in primary grades through high school. The process of self-management includes monitoring one’s own behavior to change that behavior. Currently, there are no studies using technology with self-management for the initiations of students with autism spectrum disorder and low communication who also participate in an alternate assessment. The purpose of this study was a systematic replication of Newman and Ten Eyck (2005), with the addition of IConnect in a classroom setting, to assess the effect of technology-based self-management on the initiations of participants with autism spectrum disorder and low communication who also took an alternate assessment. During the intervention, participants learned to self-record each instance of a communication initiation using I-Connect. The effect of the self-management intervention on participant initiations was determined using a multiple baseline design across participants. IConnect was found to be effective with increased initiations for three out of four participants in the study. One participant quickly learned to initiate early in the study before the introduction of the self-management intervention.


autism spectrum disorder; I-Connect; initiations; minimally verbal; nonverbal; self-management


Special Education and Teaching

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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