"Exploring Antecedents of Generation Y and Z Customers’ Intention to Ad" by Jehun Moon

Award Date

May 2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


William F. Harrah College of Hospitality

First Committee Member

Mehmet Erdem

Second Committee Member

Ozgur Ozdemir

Third Committee Member

Hyelin Kim

Fourth Committee Member

Makbule E. Anlamlier

Number of Pages



Cryptocurrency payments (CPs) are an innovative technology that can disrupt the hospitality industry. However, studies on the antecedents of CP adoption are scarce. To bridge this gap, this study targeted Gen Y and Z, the potential primary user groups, to explore the determinants of intention to adopt CPs. A mixed-methods approach was used to capture the depth and breadth of understanding of factors that impact Gen Y and Z customers’ CP adoption intentions. Study 1, a qualitative study, was utilized to acquire contextualized components. In parallel, Study 2 used a quantitative approach to validate the proposed research model, which combined the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology with the innovation diffusion theory and incorporated the combined model with additional variables derived from Study 1. This study also examined generational differences as a moderator. Study 1 identified personal innovativeness and perceived risk as additional variables. Study 2 included CFA and PLS-SEM analysis, and the results showed that all the proposed factors, except social influence, have a significant impact on intention to adopt CPs. In addition, generational differences have a partial moderating effect. Findings, implications, and suggestions for future studies were also discussed.


Blockchain Technology; Cryptocurrency Payments; Generation Y; Generation Z; Hotel Industry; Intention to Adopt


Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Marketing

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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Available for download on Friday, May 15, 2026
