Award Date

May 2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Dental Medicine

First Committee Member

Brian Chrzan

Second Committee Member

Neamat Hassan Abubakr Hassan

Third Committee Member

Karl Kingsley

Fourth Committee Member

Tanya Al-Talib

Fifth Committee Member

Maxim Gakh

Number of Pages



Background: This study focuses on evaluating the effect of increasing duration allowed for resin infiltrant penetration in improving the aesthetic outcome of resin infiltration treatment. Additional investigations into repeat treatment and long-term stability were also conducted. Artifically created white spot lesions were induced on one hundred extracted teeth made up of either incisors or canines. Teeth were divided into enamel and dentin groups depending on the extent of the lesion and then further subdivided into varying treatment protocol groups: 3-minute, 6-minute, and 9-minute penetration time. Teeth were thermocycled for one clinical year and then divided into a repeat treatment and no additional treatment group. Teeth were thermocycled for an additional clinical year. Spectrophotometric analysis was measured at all timepoints for all groups. Results: Mean ΔE values, for the enamel group, were slightly above or significantly below the critical value and, for the dentin group, were significantly above the critical value of 3.7. Mean ΔE values within the enamel and dein groups both demonstrated a downward trend with increasing time allowed for resin infiltrant penetration. A single treatment for a white spot lesion resulted in a significant difference compared to no treatment. No significant difference was found between groups that received a single or repeat treatment. There was significant difference in ΔE values for the D3 group following thermocycling after a single treatment. There was significant difference in ΔE values for all groups except the enamel group that received a single treatment following thermocycling after a single or repeat treatment. Conclusions: Resin infiltration is an effective treatment modality to improve the appearance of white spot lesions. The aesthetic benefit of resin infiltration works best for shallow enamel lesions. Increasing the resin infiltrant penetration time to at least nine minutes is advised as the most optimized treatment protocol. Resin infiltration treatment is recommended only once per a tooth’s lifetime. At least 1-year color stability can be reasonably expected. An additional year of color stability can be expected following a single and optimized infiltration treatment of shallow lesions.



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Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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