Award Date

May 2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Occupational Therapy Doctorate


Brain Health

First Committee Member

Donnamarie Krause

Second Committee Member

Jefferson Kinney

Number of Pages



Serious mental illnesses can affect an individual’s level of independence. Oftentimes, individuals with such mental illnesses require assistance from a family member or paid caregiver to live in the community successfully. Occupational therapists work with people across the lifespan to improve an individual’s independence and overall well-being through meaningful occupations. Activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) are both comprised of tasks that are often completed by a person on a regular basis. Occupational therapists habilitate and rehabilitate people to be able to complete ADLs and IADLs as independently as possible. Many ADLs and IADLs are considered life skills and can be taught to people through intentional training. This final culminating paper is the initial step of an effort to implement skill training in a state-wide system through program development and grant writing during the Doctoral Capstone experience. The final Doctoral Capstone, two life skill training resources, and a complete R03-like grant proposal are detailed in this manuscript and represent how OT can go about implementing a training program through a statewide mental health agency.


independent living skills; medication management; Serious mental illness; symptom management


Occupational Therapy

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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