Award Date

December 2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Teaching and Learning

First Committee Member

Christine Clark

Second Committee Member

Howard Gordon

Third Committee Member

Jane McCarthy

Fourth Committee Member

Valerie Taylor

Number of Pages



The purpose of this case study was to investigate how white female teachers establish relationships with their Students of Color – students who often have backgrounds very different from their own (race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, traditions practiced, socio-economic status, etc.). While the teaching workforce is predominantly white and female, the student body increasingly consists of students who are currently classified as minorities. I used the multiple case study method with seven selected teachers who self-identified as white and female. This study utilized Critical Race Theory (CRT), as identified by Ladson-Billings and Tate (1995), for its theoretical framework. Ladson-Billings was one of the first individuals to introduce CRT to the field of education. I interviewed seven white female teachers regarding their interactions in the classroom with Students of Color and with white students to identify possible indicators of racism (intentional as well as unintentional). I also examined how such indicators affect the student-teacher relationship. The focus of the study was to explore differences in the relationships between white teachers and Students of Color. I chose to conduct my research using a qualitative procedure, specifically a case-study format. I collected data using interviews, teacher journals, and a focus group session. I used convenience sampling, interest surveys and emails to narrow down my selected group of seven white female schoolteachers. Reasonable efforts were made to interpret the data without bias, relying on discussions of findings with experts in the relevant field of research to minimize personal preconceptions.


Care; Diversity; Racism; Safe; Students of Color; Whiteness


Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education

File Format


File Size

1370 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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