Award Date

December 2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA)



First Committee Member

Timothy Jones

Second Committee Member

Dean Gronemeier

Third Committee Member

Thomas Leslie

Fourth Committee Member

Richard Miller

Fifth Committee Member

Brackley Frayer

Number of Pages



World percussion is becoming increasingly important as a major teaching course in American colleges and universities. The percussion chosen may come from Africa, Latin America, East Asia, and more. However, according to the study, no American colleges and universities have conducted Chinese ethnic percussion programs. There may be several reasons for this: first, it is geographically far away. Second, the existing papers on Chinese ethnic percussion, especially in English, are too broad in their choice of arguments. For example, these papers do not consider the possibility of implementation when choosing Chinese ethnic percussion instruments. On the contrary, the choice of instruments in this dissertation incorporates the requirements of today's Chinese higher education institutions for the selection of instruments for the discipline of Chinese ethnic percussion. Third, some research works are too specific. For example, they only talk about Peking Opera percussion or percussion from a certain place in China. These types of percussion serve as an important part of Chinese ethnic percussion but do not represent the whole of Chinese ethnic percussion. The starting point of this dissertation is mainly for Chinese ethnic percussion in Chinese higher education institutions. It is in a way more representative.

Controlled Subject

Percussion music; Music--Chinese influences



File Format


File Size

2600 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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