Award Date


Degree Type

Doctoral Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)


Physical Therapy

First Committee Member

Daniel Young

Second Committee Member

Merrill Landers

Number of Pages



Purpose/Methods: This study examines the impact of the use of asynchronous virtual interviews (AVIs) in the admissions process of the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). This research aims to examine racial and ethnic subgroup differences in AVI scores, evaluate the influence of AVIs on applicant scores in the admissions process, and assess the AVI inter-rater reliability among faculty evaluators using data from the 2019-2022 admissions cycles.

Results: Significant differences were found in AVI scores among racial and ethnic groups, with Black applicants scoring highest and Asian applicants scoring lowest. Additionally, inclusion of AVIs had a significant impact on pre-interview and final applicant scores. Black applicants were the only group that saw an increase in overall score with inclusion of AVIs. Inter-rater reliability among faculty evaluators was poor, highlighting the need for further exploration of the process used by evaluators when grading AVIs. The study underscores the potential of AVIs to enhance diversity by providing underrepresented minorities with an opportunity to showcase additional skills and emphasizes the importance of addressing reliability issues to ensure fair evaluation of all applicants.


Asynchronous virtual interviews; Virtual interviews; Standardized virtual interview; Graduate admissions; Holistic admissions; Doctor of Physical Therapy; Doctor of Physical Therapy programs; Race; Ethnicity; Minorities; Healthcare; Diversity; Equity; Inclusion; Underrepresentation; Disadvantaged; Health professions; Admissions criteria; Admissions process; Inter-rater reliability; Grit; Professionalism; Cultural sensitivity; Applicant scoring


Critical and Cultural Studies | Education | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Therapy | Psychology | Public Health | Sociology | Statistics and Probability

File Format


File Size

10400 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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