"Developing a Remote Gamma Spectra Collection System for Radiation Scie" by Haven Searcy

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences

First Committee Member

Zaijing Sun

Second Committee Member

Yu Kuang

Third Committee Member

Steen Madsen

Fourth Committee Member

Meng-Jen Wang

Fifth Committee Member

Lung-Wen Chen

Number of Pages



Educational institutions of all levels have been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic with none more so than higher education. The challenges faced by researchers are numerous while performing a study and have only increased since the pandemic. Many colleges or universities have halted research to cut off unnecessary contact in order to protect study participants and research personnel. In the Department of Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences (DHPDS) at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, a solution was developed that would allow scientists and students alike to be able to analyze already prepared samples either in the lab or remotely from any computer that the admin allows to access the website. Particularly in cases in which spectra analysis is important such as health physics courses or research observing the composition of samples an automatic sampler can allow for flexibility in the case of being unable to meet for classes or a campus being shut down. This method utilizes a combination of nuclear detection equipment, python coding, a robotic arm, an automatic sampler changer, as well as a VPN to enable professors or researchers to determine who is able to access the results. The process requires samples to be placed in the automatic sample changer capable of holding up to 15 samples, from there a robotic arm transfers the sample into the high-purity germanium detector. A Lynx Digital Signal Analysis (DSA) module is connected to the detector providing analysis on the content of the sample. With a known standard, a calibration curve can be established to identify radioactive isotopes. Although niche automatic samplers already exist in certain fields the costs involved as well as the need for potentially complicated setups they require make them unfeasible for many laboratories; however this paper details the concept and implementation of a cost-effective and user-friendly version.


Automatic; machinemotion; sampling; vention



File Format


File Size

2400 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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