"How corporate social responsibility influences employee job satisfacti" by Chia-Chun Saprina Chiang

Award Date

Spring 2010

Degree Type

Professional Paper


Hotel Administration

First Committee Member

Gary Potts, Chair

Number of Pages



The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether strategic CSR programs in the hotel industry influence individual job satisfaction. Based on Valentine and Fleischman’s study in company ethics programs and employees’ perceived CSR, job satisfaction is related to many significant organizational factors and is usually a major concentration of business research that investigates employee-based phenomena (Valentine & Fleischman, 2008, p. 160). In addition, this paper will seek for the literature supporting the positive correlation between a company’s strategic CSR activities and its employees’ job satisfaction. In other words, this study will identify whether and how employees’ perceptions of their company’s external CSR practices influence their commitments to the organization. Ultimately, the information summarized in this paper should provide the hotel industry’s management and operators with the information they need to utilize CSR strategies that will improve the company morale and job satisfaction rate for their employees. This paper will be presented in the following sequence. In the first section, the implications that arise from the concept of CSR in the hotel industry will be briefly discussed. The second section will review previous studies’ findings on strategic CSR and employees’ reactions to these practices. The third and final section of this paper will analyze the rationale and effectiveness of strategic CSR and summarize its findings and conclusions.


Business ethics; Employee morale; Hospitality industry; Hotels – Employees; Job satisfaction; Social responsibility of business


Business Law, Public Responsibility, and Ethics | Hospitality Administration and Management | Human Resources Management

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




Incomplete paper data.


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