The 2018 Summit on the Teaching and Research of Young Adult Literature is Here!

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Dr. Bickmore's YA Wednesday


Wow! It has been nearly a year of planning for this event. Let's get one thing clear, it isn't happening because of me. Early planning happened at the CEE Conference in Columbus at the Ohio State. A ton of people weighed in on the planning and purpose of the Summit. The early committee was Michelle Falter, Gretchen Rumohr-Voskuil, Crag Hill, Sarah Donovan, and myself. Everyone contributed a great deal. As life goes, Michelle and Gretchen have had important--not tragic--family and life issues that had them going in different directions during the summit. They will be missed. While Michelle and Gretchen were still working hard we added a local librarian, Susan Slykerman, and we asked Bill Konigsberg to weigh in from an authors perspective from time to time. Both have added tremendously to what will be happening this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday June 14-16, 2018.


Children's and Young Adult Literature


