"Final Report Task 16: Archaeological Studies cooperative agreement" by David Rhode

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From December 1999 to September 2003, the Desert Research Institute (DRI) provided management support and technical services in support of cultural resources management activities for the US Department of Energy (DOE) Yucca Mountain Project (YMP). This effort was conducted as Task 16 of the Cooperative Agreement between the US Department of Energy’s Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) with the University and Community College System of Nevada (UCCSN). The activities conducted under Task 16 were performed on a level-of-effort basis, covering a broad range of support services to implement the cultural resources management program for YMP and to assist the environmental regulatory program and Native American interaction program. In particular, Task 16 covered the following program activities:

Preactivity surveys, assessment of effects and mitigative treatments. Perform and document pedestrian cultural resources surveys to identify, characterize, and evaluate cultural resources on lands proposed for surface-disturbing YMP activities, as requested. Develop impact assessments of proposed actions on identified resources. Develop and implement treatment plans and mitigation strategies to protect the values of cultural resources subject to effect, as needed.

Periodic monitoring. Monitor known cultural resource localities to assess potential YMP effects, and provide documentation of the monitoring results. Monitoring was conducted to assess cumulative effects of the site characterization phase of the Project, provide a baseline on site condition for any future phases of the Project, and provide a basis for recommendations on future cultural resource protection and management measures.

Reporting. Prepare reports for documentation of data collected, cultural resources monitored, analyses conducted, or progress in implementing the PA and supporting program documents, and other reports as requested. These reports include quarterly reports of field activities, technical summary reports, the annual US Department of Interior Federal Archaeology questionnaire, and the annual report of progress in implementing the stipulations of the Programmatic Agreement, among others as requested.

Artifact and records curation. Protect and maintain to federal standards collections of artifacts and associated records obtained from studies made by the YMP cultural resources management program. Update and maintain GIS-based electronic databases of cultural resources studies, results, and associated information.

Analyses. Conduct artifact analyses appropriate to satisfying the research requirements stipulated by the Programmatic Agreement and the supporting Research Design. Prepare results of these analyses as parts of technical summary reports, and in other professional presentations and publications as appropriate.

Native American interaction. Provide support to the Native American interaction program, including site visits, access to examine artifact collections, and consultations, studies, and reporting pertinent to the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, American Indian Religious Freedom Act, or EO 13007.

New programmatic agreement. Support YMP management in planning for development and implementation of a Programmatic Agreement to cover cultural resources management policies at Yucca Mountain after site characterization is completed.

EIS support. Provide support for the YMP EIS process, including technical expertise to resolve public comments received during the draft EIS comment period, presence at public hearings as requested, or additional studies or data-gathering activities, as needed.

Other support. Support consultations, site visits, monitoring activities, and other communications to BLM, SHPO, and other federal, State, County, and tribal agencies, on issues relating the implementation of stipulations of the PA, as necessary.

Progress on these activity areas was reported to the UCCSN on a quarterly and annual basis during the course of performance of Task 16. This final report summarizes accomplishments and deliverables provided to the YMSCO from 1999-2003 under Task 16.


Archaeological assemblages; Cultural property – Protection; Excavations (Archaeology); Indians—Antiquities; Nevada – Yucca Mountain;


Anthropology | Archaeological Anthropology | Library and Information Science


