Faculty Research of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Integrated Health Sciences (formerly the School of Allied Health Sciences) Faculty.


Submissions from 2019

A High-Intensity Exercise Boot Camp for Persons With Parkinson Disease: A Phase II, Pragmatic, Randomized Clinical Trial of Feasibility, Safety, Signal of Efficacy, and Disease Mechanisms, Merrill R. Landers PT, DPT, PhD; James W. Navalta PhD; Andrew S. Murtishaw PhD; Jefferson W. Kinney PhD; and Sarah Pririo Richardson MD

Concurrent Validity of an Automated Footprint Detection Algorithm to Measure Plantar Contact Area During Walking, Daniel E. Lidstone MS, Louise M. Porcher BS, Jessica DeBerardinis BS, Janet S. Dufek, and Mohamed B. Trabia

A Controlled Clinical Trial of Preoperative Pain Neuroscience Education for Patients About to Undergo Total Knee Arthroplasty, Adriaan Louw, Emilio J. Puentedura, Jordan Reed, Korey Zimney, Derek Grimm, and Merrill R. Landers

Interdisciplinary Pain Neuroscience Continuing Education in the Veterans Affairs: Live Training and Live-Stream With 1-Year Follow-up, Adriaan Louw, Rebecca Vogsland, Lindsay Marth, Peter Marshall, Terry Cox, and Merrill Landers

Macrophages as Delivery Vehicles for Anticancer Agents, Steen J. Madsen and Henry Hirschberg

Reviewing the Variability-Overuse Injury Hypothesis: Does Movement Variability Relate to Landing Injuries?, Andrew D. Nordin and Janet S. Dufek

Concentrations and Loadings of Organophosphate and Replacement Brominated Flame Retardants in House Dust from the Home Study During the PBDE Phase-Out, Zana Percy, Mark J. La Guardia, Yingying Yu, Robert C. Hale, Kim N. Dietrich, Bruce P. Lanphear, Kimberly Yolton, Ann M. Vuong, Kim M. Cecil, Joseph M. Braun, Changchun Xie, and Aimin Chen


Relation Between Relative Handgrip Strength, Chronological Age and Physiological Age with Lower Functional Capacity in Older Women, Wylker Souza Saraiva, Jonato Prestes, Silvana Schwerz Funghetto, James Wilfred Navalta, Ramires Alsamir Tibana, and Dahan da Cunha Nascimento

Submissions from 2018

Understanding the Influence of Perceived Fatigue on Coordination during Endurance Running, Joshua P. Bailey, Janet S. Dufek, Julia Freedman Silvernail, James Navalta, and John Mercer

Master’s Level Practice: Introduction, History, and Current Status, Linda F. Campbell, Frank C. Worrell, Andrew T. Dailey, and Ronald T. Brown

Pion-Heavy Ion Scattering Total and Inelastic Cross Sections for Space Radiation Applicationslastic Cross Sections for Space Radiation Applications, Francis A. Cucinotta, Myung-Hee Y. Kim, and Premkumar B. Saganti

The Influence of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation of the Motor Cortex on Balance in Parkinson's Disease, Lidio Lima De Albuquerque, I. Munoz, K. Fisher, M. R. Landers, and Brach Poston


Assessing the Validity of Pressure-measuring Insoles in Quantifying Gait Variables, Jessica DeBerardinis, Janet S. Dufek, Mohamed B. Trabia, and Daniel E. Lidstone

Walking Mechanics and Movement Pattern Variability in Monozygotic Twins with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Janet S. Dufek, John R. Harry, Jeffrey D. Eggleston, and Robbin A. Hickman

Lower Extremity Joint Stiffness during Walking Distinguishes Children With and Without Autism, Jeffrey D. Eggleston, John R. Harry, and Janet S. Dufek

Weighted Walking Influences Lower Extremity Coordination in Children on the Autism Spectrum, Jeffrey D. Eggleston, Merrill Razzaq Landers, Barry T. Bates, Ed Nagelhout, and Janet S. Dufek


Examination of Gait Parameters during Perturbed Over-Ground Walking In Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Jeffrey D. Eggleston, Merrill R. Landers, Barry T. Bates, Ed Nagelhout, and Janet S. Dufek

Evaluating Performance During Maximum Effort Vertical Jump Landings, John D. Harry, Leland A. Barker, Jeffrey D. Eggleston, and Janet S. Dufek


Performance Differences among Skilled Soccer Players of Different Playing Positions during Vertical Jumping and Landing, John R. Harry, Leland A. Barker, Roger James, and Janet S. Dufek

Weighted Vest Effects on Impact Forces and Joint Work during Vertical Jump Landings in Men and Women, John R. Harry, C. Roger James, and Janet S. Dufek

Kinetic and Electromyographic Subphase Characteristics With Relation to Countermovement Vertical Jump Performance, John R. Harry, Maximilian R. Paquette, Brian K. Schilling, Leland A. Barker, C. Roger James, and Janet S. Dufek


Immediate Preoperative Outcomes of Pain Neuroscience Education for Patients Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Case Series, Adriaan Louw PhD, Kory Zimney, Jordan Reed, Merrill R. Landers, and Emilio J. Puentedura


Introduction to Photodynamic Therapy Issue, Steen Madsen PhD and David Kessel


Potential Utility of a Loaded Treadmill Protocol for Tactical Athletes, James T. Swearingen, Lawrence W. Weiss, Webb A. Smith, Mark D. Stephenson, and Brian K. Schilling

Commentary: Consensus Findings and Future Directions, Frank C. Worrell, Linda F. Campbell, Andrew T. Dailey, and Ronald T. Brown