33rd Annual Conference Track 1, Session 4: Popular Culture and the Sacred: Religions, Cultures, Worldviews

Emma Frances Bloomfield The Rhetoric of Spirituality, Gender, and the Environment in The Wicker Man (1973) and Midsommer (2019) Josiah Kidwell Contested Ecological Sites: Intersections of Popular Culture, Media, and Sacred Indigenous Space Michael Ian Borer The Quest for the Holy Ale

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33rd Annual FWPCA Session 1.4 Video

Mark Padoongpatt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Emma Frances Bloomfield, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Josiah Kidwell
Michael I. Borer, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

The Rhetoric of Spirituality, Gender, and the Environment in The Wicker Man (1973) and Midsommar (2019)

Emma Frances Bloomfield