Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Committee Member

Claudia Keelan

Number of Pages



The purpose of this writing is to ask questions about identity, to re-evaluate and to better articulate my world and self. The form of this manuscript is a blend of poetry and prose forms, mainly autobiographical in nature, somewhat fictionalized (or revised) and using subjects that are most significant to the understanding of my world and self views, ancestry and family, education, environment, etc.{dollar}\..{dollar}; My goal, and reasons for the content and form selections, is not to find truth and convince my audience of this truth--to achieve synthesis of thought. Instead, through my writing I intend to deeply probe and present ambiguities and possibilities of our world, investigate my perspective, and hopefully encourage a search and a conversation with readers. The searching and conversing together, to whatever degree that is possible, is the motivation; Do I answer my questions; do I discover anything? Perhaps, but more important is the structure of the questioning, a series of reflections that trigger other memories and questions in myself and in my readers; an invitation to a conversation. The quest, the search for and creation of self and world through storytelling is a commonality of all thinking beings, and through sharing and combining our infinitely diverse stories we can continue to negotiate an understanding of being human. This is my story.


Fiction; Filtered; Original writing; Poetry; Prose; Truth; Tunnel; Writing

Controlled Subject

American literature

File Format


File Size

1658.88 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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