Award Date
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Engineering (ME)
Civil and Environmental Engineering
First Committee Member
Jaeho Son
Number of Pages
This thesis develops a two-dimensional grid system for the determination of the haul distance and direction to haul the soil on a mass excavation project using linear optimization programming methodology. The system generates a mathematical solution for the minimum haul distance and the direction in which to haul the soil for each unit of the program grid when formulated with the proper input. The necessary inputs are the calculated cut and fill quantities for each cell of an X-Y coordinate grid system. The mathematical outputs from the cut and fill inputs are converted into a vector drawing indicating the quantity of cut to be hauled to each fill cell of the grid system and the vectored length of that haul. Simulations of the optimum haul distances are run to determine costs at optimum production.
Determination; Direction; Distance; Excavation; Haul; Linear; Mass; Optimization
Controlled Subject
Civil engineering; Geotechnology; Operations research
File Format
File Size
1617.92 KB
Degree Grantor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
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Repository Citation
Myers, Donald Scott, "Determination of mass excavation haul distance and direction by linear optimization" (2002). UNLV Retrospective Theses & Dissertations. 1461.
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