Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Political Science

First Committee Member

John P. Tuman

Number of Pages



Turkey's long-standing struggle to fulfill the ideas of Kemalism has led to a long-standing dedication to help "heal" an ailing region and its often acting as an intermediate between Western powers and the Middle East. Turkey is at the strategic meeting point of Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Turkey has a unique blend of secular democracy and Islamic society that makes it a vital asset to both the West and Islamist radicalism. As a result, Turkey's foreign aid program was developed in the last decade to primarily focus on the objectives of fostering a stable platform in Central Asia, sustaining a strong presence in the Middle East, and all the while maintaining and cultivating its relationship with Russia; Turkey pursues foreign policy endeavors with its regional partners through various means. Turkey's relationship with Russia has evolved to include several trade agreements and pacts. Their foreign policy goals toward the Caucus and Central Asian States remain optimistic and steadily rising. All the while, the Turks attempt to forge strong bonds with its Islamic neighbors by solidifying its role as a regional leader.


Aid; Branch; Foreign; Hand; Helping; Infested; Olive; Programs; Snake; Turkish

Controlled Subject

International law; Political science

File Format


File Size

1976.32 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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