Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical Engineering

First Committee Member

Robert Boehm

Number of Pages



An experimental setup is developed to observe the mass transfer that occurs in the drying of saturated porous media due to bulk flow of gas. The analysis and equations are developed in a one-dimensional perspective, and focus on the convection and evaporation that results. Humidity readings are monitored at various locations and used in the analysis of the results. These procedures are used in test cases for Steel spheres and Ceramic beads both 4.5 mm in diameter at.25 L/min,.5 L/min,.75 L/min and 1 L/min flow rates; Drying times and humidity plots versus time for both steel and ceramic are witnessed to be similar in nature. A correlation for the drying time is developed through use of Sherwood number, Reynolds number, and Schmidt number. This is achieved by using the non-dimensional quantities and acquiring a linear regression and equation. The coefficients and exponent values of the general equation for the Sherwood number are then solved.


Drying; Influence; Media; Parameters; Physical; Porous; Study

Controlled Subject

Mechanical engineering; Civil engineering

File Format


File Size

1638.4 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas


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