Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Communication Studies

First Committee Member

Lawrence Mullen

Number of Pages



Conflict is an unavoidable component of interpersonal relationships. The manner in which relational partners manage conflict is likely to change over the developmental course of the relationship. Additionally, the masculine or feminine attitudes an individual holds at the time of conflict impact the type of conflict strategy he or she will employ; A review of literature demonstrated a need for research in the area of gender communication and conflict. This thesis explored how conflict behaviors and degree of relational intimacy are mediated by masculine and feminine attitudes. Survey research was conducted to determine if males and females reported significantly different masculine and feminine attitudes at the time of conflict and to determine if the degree of relational intimacy affected one's preferred conflict management strategy; Results showed no difference between men and women and no difference between less developed and more developed relationships. Rather, it was found that men and women in less developed relationships show stronger androgynous attitudes at the time of conflict than masculine or feminine attitudes. Findings indicated the need for further investigation of androgyny and its influence on relational development.


Conflict; Developing; Examination; Relationship

Controlled Subject

Communication; Social psychology; Social psychology

File Format


File Size

1699.84 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas


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