Spectra Undergraduate Research Journal | Office of Undergraduate Research: Student Research Collection | University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Spectra Undergraduate Research Journal

Spectra Undergraduate Research Journal by the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is currently accepting manuscripts for its Spring 2024 issue to be published in early Fall 2024. The deadline for this upcoming issue is rolling. Interested students should email our@unlv.edu for more information.

Spectra is a bi-annual (i.e., fall and spring issues), peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, open-access journal primarily dedicated to the publication of undergraduate student research at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. If and when possible, Spectra also publishes well-qualified undergraduate research from other institutions.

OUR offers workshops on how to write abstracts, annotate bibliographies, cite properly, prepare manuscripts for publication, and review manuscripts for publication, encompassing many stages of the writing spectrum.

To sign up for these workshops, please go to OUR's Research Skills Academy page.

To access more information and resources, please go to OUR's Spectra page.

For questions about Spectra, please email our@unlv.edu.

Current Issue: Volume 3, Issue 2 (2024)


Demographic Study of College of Sciences at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Laura Seo, Nastasija Damjanovic, Angelica Amansec, Aika Dietz, and Monika Neda