"A Vision Without Borders: Magonismo and Mexican Women" by Nallely Lozoya

Spectra Undergraduate Research Journal


Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences > Humanities > History > Latin American History


January 11, 2023


June 14, 2023


June 15, 2023


Nallely Lozoya (NL)1*

Author Affiliations

1Department of History, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV, USA.

Corresponding Author

*Nallely Lozoya, lozoyn1@unlv.nevada.edu

Corresponding Author ORCID iD


Author Contributions

NL: Author gathered primary sources and secondary sources, analyzed each source, drafted the paper, edited the manuscript.

Data Availability Statement

The author of this article confirms that all included sources are fully available without restrictions.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares that no conflicts of interest exist.

Ethical Considerations

This study involved diligent analysis of written works from the present and the past. Thus, no animal or human subjects were used.


This study was funded by the Office of Undergraduate Research at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.


Recent scholarship on the Magonista movement centers around the actions of the male leadership, without fully exploring their acceptance of women’s involvement. In fact, Mexican women, through this intelligentsia movement, were able to challenge social expectations and fully participate in political activism during the Mexican Revolution. As a result, Mexican women understood their political power, and were motivated to create radical movements of their own. In the end, Mexican women practiced a feminism that was concerned with multiple issues that impacted Mexican communities on both sides of the U.S-Mexico border. In this work, I closely analyzed contemporary speeches, correspondence and newspaper articles that have shown the Magonistas’ views on women and the women’s perceptions of themselves as revolutionaries. In essence, my work closely follows the theory of Feminism Transfronterizo, which connects the Mexican women's notion of feminism with their activism against racial discrimination and U.S imperialism, and their involvement in labor organizing. Overall, my work shows that Magonista ideals taught women to fight for their communities experiencing institutional oppressions. Additionally, the Magonistas' support and invitation for women, reinforced the idea of women’s worth as individuals and their potential for leadership. Thus, my work demonstrates that the Magonistas' vision for a more egalitarian society became universalistic with the inclusion of women. More importantly, Mexican women’s participation in the Magonista movement expanded their perceptions of feminism.


Magonistas, Mexican Women, Magonismo, Feminismo Transfronterizo

Submission Type

Thesis-based research article

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