"The Impact of Airport Service Quality Dimension on Overall Airport Exp" by Redha Widarsyah

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Health Administration (MHA)


Hotel Administration

First Committee Member

Seyhmus Baloglu

Second Committee Member

David Christianson

Third Committee Member

Tony Henthorne

Fourth Committee Member

Hualiang Teng

Number of Pages



This research examines the relationship between seven airport service dimensions (Access, Services and Facilities, Dining, Shopping, Service Personnel and Security, Environment, and Immigration and Customs) and overall passenger perceptions of service quality. The study used convenience sampling collecting data from a total of 304 travelers who were passengers at four major international airports in the West Coast region of United States - Las Vegas McCarran International, Los Angeles International, San Francisco International, and Seattle-Tacoma International. The data was collected online through Qualtrics with a self-administered questionnaire and it was analyzed using multiple linear regression.

Airport access, environment, dining, and immigration were found to have a significant and positive relationship to passengers' overall perception of airport service quality. Of the four dimensions found to be significant in the study, airport environment was revealed to have the most influence in affecting passengers' perception of airport service quality, followed by access, dining, and finally immigration and customs services. Answers to the qualitative (open-ended) question about passengers' overall experience at their selected airport offered further explanation in addressing specific issues within each airport service dimension. The findings of this study will help airport administrators and local tourism authorities to identify important service dimensions in the airport and to understand the impact each service dimension has on perceptions of overall airport service quality. The findings will also serve as a guide for future studies on the relationship between different service dimensions and overall service quality in the airport industry.


Airplane occupants; Airport terminals – Common use facilities; Airports; Consumer satisfaction; Customer services; Experience; Hospitality; Impression; Perception; Service Quality


Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Tourism and Travel | Transportation

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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