"Meal Duration: Implications for Restaurant Revenue Management" by Dale F. Billings

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Health Administration (MHA)


Hospitality Management

First Committee Member

Chih-Chien Chen

Second Committee Member

Anthony Gatling

Third Committee Member

Carl Braunlich

Fourth Committee Member

Han-Fen Hu

Number of Pages



A comprehensive revenue management strategy addressing space, product, price and time, has been shown to increase profits within the hospitality sector. While the literature shows that the restaurant industry has frequently addressed space, product, and price when looking at financial strategy, the effect of the variable of time on revenue generation has not been adequately studied. Restaurants shy away from the practice of using time as a commodity, particularly regarding meal duration, due to fears of reducing customer satisfaction.

This project explores the use of time as a commodity in restaurant revenue management. In particular, it examines consumers’ feelings about meal duration and their willingness to accept parameters around time spent at the table. This project shows that consumers have neutral to positive feelings about a fixed meal duration. Triangulating the existing research with this project’s findings, a 60-minute fixed meal duration could be a viable, financially-sound strategy for restaurant revenue management.


Capacity control; Dynamic pricing; Meal duration; Rate control; Restaurant revenue management


Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Operational Research | Operations Research, Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering

File Format


File Size

0.649 MB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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