"Is premium pricing strategy a viable option to pursue higher revenue p" by Xiaorong Chen

Award Date


Degree Type

Professional Paper

Degree Name

Master of Hospitality Administration


Hotel Administration

First Committee Member

Billy Bai, Chair

Number of Pages



This is an exploratory research paper on how relative pricing affects an individual hotel’s revenue performance in the Singapore lodging market. First, it measures the REVPAR effects for both a discounting and premium pricing strategy at a local hotel against its competitive set. The findings conclude that a premium pricing strategy is a better way to improve REVPAR performance due to the inelastic nature of the demand curve for hotel rooms in the Singapore market. The findings also show that there is a price limit to a premium pricing strategy, beyond which the growth of REVPAR stagnates because customers were willing to seek for alternatives in the market. Second, the study concludes that pricing strategies have little impact on guest satisfaction levels or customer loyalty as long as service standards were maintained. In fact, customers were willing to tolerate increased pricing up to a limit for high standards of service. This paper therefore recommends that premium pricing be adopted as a strategy by mid-tier hotels to increase REVPAR performance in both good and bad economic times.


Hospitality industry; Hotels – Rates; Revenue management; Singapore


Hospitality Administration and Management | Marketing

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




UNLV Singapore Campus


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